Burn injuries can result from several facets of everyday life, and in a variety of forms. You could be cooking at home and come in contact with a hot stove or with defective wiring which could potentially lead to electrocution. Additionally, you could be burned by fireworks or as a result of a car accident or furnace or a gas/water heater that explodes. Work place accidents, such as coming into contact with chemicals, or construction sites may locations where you are burned. These are only some of countless examples where you can suffer a burn injury.

Burn injuries can vary in severity and come in all shapes and sizes. First degree burns are considered the least severe and likely result in a small amount of pain and temporary discoloration or redness. They often can be treated with over the counter medication and heal within days or weeks. Second and third-degree burns penetrate through the skin and can cause anything from scarring to nerve damage. Fourth degree burns, which are the most severe can damage muscles and bones.

Burns can cause death if they damage internal organs and at the very least cause disfigurements and lifelong scarring. It may also prevent you from working or moving around normally. This may result in skin grafts and other surgeries, along with costly medication and aides to help you ambulate.

Your burns may be caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or intentional conduct of another, and those part(ies) should be held accountable. As a residential or commercial tenant, your landlord may not have properly installed a proper alarm or provide adequate lighting and passage ways for emergency exits. Additionally, you may have a products liability case due to a manufacturing or design defect in an electrical product purchased. You may also have a claim against one that installed a defective product.

The suffering caused by a burn injury is unparalleled. However, you can and should be compensated by those who caused your pain. Contact Verp and Leddy to help you determine on how to proceed against those responsible parties.